Tuesday 30 June 2020

Pokémon prepositiuns

Hello teacher and student I have been doing my maths today at school and my maths is call Pokémon prepositiuns. I Love the idea of the maths because it was amazing and awesome too. The maths is pretty easy to do it.


  1. Looks like you worked hard learning your prepositions Leata. I like that you used right of and left of the bottle - even some adults find left and right hard to understand. I'm glad you had fun doing this activity Leata. Yes, I think maths is awesome too. From Aamel

  2. Hello I am Leata.
    Thank you for commenting my pékmon prepositiuns. You are too much kind to me. We Love to learn about left and right. You have so many kind of things we can learn about left and right. Was it too much hard or too much easy to work?. From Point England school.

    1. You are very welcome Leata! Some things were hard and some things were easy. The hard part was learning to use new software, but after learning about it and practicing heaps it got easier. What made it easy was working with a group because we could help each other. Have a great holiday Leata. From Aamel


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